C Runtime for Lingua Franca
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rti_local.c File Reference

Detailed Description

Erling Jellum (
Edward A. Lee (eal@b.nosp@m.erke.nosp@m.ley.e.nosp@m.du)
Chadlia Jerad (
Soroush Bateni (

This file implements the enclave coordination logic. Here we are dealing with multiple mutexes. To avoid deadlocking we follow the following rules: 1) Mutexes are always locked in the following order: Enclave mutexes followed by RTI mutex. This means that we never lock an enclave mutex while holding the RTI mutex. 2) Mutexes are always unlocked in the following order: RTI mutex followed by Enclave mutex. 3) If the coordination logic might block. We unlock the enclave mutex while blocking, using a condition variable to unblock. 4) When blocking on the coordination logic, never hold the RTI mutex.