To run Lingua Franca on an Arduino-compatible microcontroller, you can use the
target with the platform
target property set to arduino
. The Lingua
Franca compiler will then not output ordinary C code in a CMake project, but
generate a .ino
sketch that can be compiled and deployed using arduino-cli
To flash the compiled sketch onto a board, you need specify a Fully Qualified
Board Name (FQBN) as well as the port to which your board is connected. On this
page, we explain exactly how to do this.
- You need a development system that runs on macOS or Linux (there is currently no Windows support).
- Arduino CLI must be installed on your development system. Confirm that your installation works by running:
arduino-cli version
Writing a simple Arduino Program​
The most basic Arduino program (Blink) can be defined in LF like so:
The key difference between writing ordinary Arduino code and writing LF code is
that there is no setup()
and loop()
function. In LF, execution is
event-driven, with reactive code being triggered by events, such as the
expiration of a timer. Those pieces of reactive code, specified as reactions,
can invoke Arduino library functions, just like one would do in the definition
of an Arduino loop()
. For any setup that might be needed at the beginning of
execution, a reaction triggered by the built-in startup
trigger can be used.
Platform Options​
The platform
property can also be used so specify more details. Along with name: "arduino"
you can specify which board
, port
, and baud-rate
you are using. If you want the program
to be flashed onto the board automatically after compilation, specify flash: true
Here a target declaration that specifies all of these options:
The board
is necessary for building and the port
is necessary for flashing.
Baud rate of the serial port​
All Arduino boards have at least one serial port (also known as a UART or
USART), and some have several. By default, Lingua Franca will assume a default
baud rate of 9600. This parameter is tunable by adjusting the baud-rate
parameter in platform options.
In order to have arduino-cli
compile the generated sketch file, a board
be specified. If no board
is set, lfc
will run in no-compile
mode, meaning
it will not invoke the target compiler. Whether specified as a target property
or given directly to arduino-cli
, you need an FQBN. You can find the FQBN of
the board that you have plugged in using the following command:
arduino-cli board list
To see the list of all FQBN's installed on your device (all FQBNs supported by the libraries you have installed), run the following command:
arduino-cli board listall
You likely need to install support for your board first, which you can do using the following command:
arduino-cli core install arduino:[BOARD_FAMILY]
The common board families include avr
, megaAVR
, sam
, samd
, and mbed
If you specify your FQBN under board
in the platform
target property, lfc
will automatically invoke arduino-cli
on the generated sketch. To invoke arduino-cli
for unthreaded programs (most arduino flavors), run:
arduino-cli compile -b [FQBN] --build-property compiler.c.extra_flags="-DLF_SINGLE_THREADED=1 -DPLATFORM_ARDUINO -DINITIAL_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE=10 -DINITIAL_REACT_QUEUE_SIZE=10" --build-property compiler.cpp.extra_flags="-DLF_SINGLE_THREADED=1 -DPLATFORM_ARDUINO -DINITIAL_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE=10 -DINITIAL_REACT_QUEUE_SIZE=10"
for threaded programs (
boards), run:arduino-cli compile -b [FQBN] --build-property compiler.c.extra_flags="-DPLATFORM_ARDUINO -DINITIAL_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE=10 -DINITIAL_REACT_QUEUE_SIZE=10" --build-property compiler.cpp.extra_flags="-DPLATFORM_ARDUINO -DINITIAL_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE=10 -DINITIAL_REACT_QUEUE_SIZE=10"
Arduino's can be flashed via USB. To find the port oto which your device is connected, run the following command:
arduino-cli board list
You can either use arduino-cli
to flash the code onto your device after the sketch file has been built, or you can set flash:true
and provide a port
in your Lingua Franca file. To flash manually using arduino-cli
, enter the subdirectory of src-gen
in which the generated sketch file is located and run:
arduino-cli upload -p PORT -b FQBN .