Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
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- l -
- lf_cond_t : lf_arduino_support.h, lf_flexpret_support.h
- lf_multiport_iterator_t : port.h
- lf_mutex_t : lf_arduino_support.h, lf_flexpret_support.h, lf_nrf52_support.h, lf_POSIX_threads_support.h, lf_rp2040_support.h, lf_windows_support.h, lf_zephyr_support.h
- lf_platform_mutex_ptr_t : platform.h
- lf_port_base_t : lf_token.h
- lf_scheduler_t : environment.h, scheduler_instance.h
- lf_sparse_io_record_t : lf_token.h
- lf_stat_ll : util.h
- lf_thread_t : lf_arduino_support.h, lf_flexpret_support.h, lf_POSIX_threads_support.h, lf_rp2040_support.h, lf_windows_support.h, lf_zephyr_support.h
- lf_token_t : lf_token.h
- lf_waveform_t : wave_file_reader.h
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