Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- n_deleted_items : hashset_st
- name : environment_t, reaction_t, self_base_t
- nbits : hashset_st
- network_stat_round_trip_delay_max : socket_stat_t
- network_stat_sample_index : socket_stat_t
- network_stat_samples : socket_stat_t
- next : _lf_sensor_message_t, allocation_record_t, deque_node_t, lf_multiport_iterator_t, lf_token_t, open_file_t, vector_t
- next_reaction_level : custom_scheduler_data_t
- nitems : hashset_st
- notifs : lf_cond_t
- num_channels : lf_wav_format_t, lf_waveform_t
- num_destinations : lf_port_base_t, lf_port_internal_t
- num_outputs : reaction_t
- num_reactions_per_level : sched_params_t
- num_reactions_per_level_size : sched_params_t
- num_reactions_seen : summary_stats_t
- num_workers : environment_t
- number : reaction_t
- number_of_idle_workers : lf_scheduler_t
- number_of_inbound_p2p_connections : federate_instance_t
- number_of_outbound_p2p_connections : federate_instance_t
- number_of_reactions : trigger_t
- number_of_workers : lf_scheduler_t